

PLACE MAT中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

It is a similar leaf, although rather prickly instead of being plain, and it made all sorts of products such as place mats, handbags, blotters, and so on.

PLACE MAT | English meaning

PLACE MAT definition: 1. a decorative piece of card, cloth, wood, plastic, etc. on which someone's plate is put on a…. Learn more.


A placemat or table mat is a covering or pad designating an individual place setting, unlike the larger tablecloth that covers the entire surface.

Place mat Definition & Meaning

a small, often rectangular mat on which a set of dishes, knives, forks, etc., for one person are placed at a table — see picture at place setting.

PLACEMAT definition and meaning

Placemats are mats that are put on a table before a meal for people to put their plates or bowls on. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary.

PLACE MAT definition and meaning

Place mats are mats that are put on a table before a meal for people to put their plates or bowls on. Place mats with photos make great gifts.

PLACE MAT Definition & Usage Examples

a mat set on a dining table beneath a place setting. 1. /. 11. Mountweazel: Word of the Day. Read More. 637. 2. Video Player is loading. Play Video.

Place mat Definition & Meaning

2023年12月4日 — The meaning of PLACE MAT is a small often rectangular table mat on which a place setting is laid.

place-mat noun

Definition of place mat noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. place mat. noun. /ˈpleɪs mæt/. /ˈpleɪs mæt/. jump to other results. ​a mat on a ...

Place mat

If there's a small cloth under your plate and silverware when you sit at a table, you can call it a place mat. If you are eating at a diner, your place mat ...